Month: March 2014

  • Spring Break

    (Spring Repost)

    shadow05-3030-068Spring break. Every few years I take a break like this. My yearnings begin by noticing that the Sun is rising closer and closer to the east each morning. Or I realize that it is setting more squarely to the west. We humans tend to do things in straight lines and squarely you know. Our city streets and blocks are sectioned neatly east to west and north to south. Everything gets lined up neatly in a row. Our homes, our parking lots, our crops, flags, soldiers and grave stones. We like this, I think we need this order. Scatter a dozen marbles or pop cans and it won’t be long before someone will come along and line them up in a neat little row. Everything in order, everything neatly aligned, we must have it, this symmetry.

    Is there any wonder why we should take notice when the Earth, our Mother Earth , aligns correctly with the Sun? Of course. Equal darkness and light, the Sun perfectly east and west, shining squarely down our streets and casting perfectly aligned shadows from our buildings, trees, and Washington Monuments, everything is in order.

    This year I will look at the flocks of geese passing over head and notice their perfect V’s made from the chaos of their many gatherings. I’ll notice the first emerging dandelions and wildflowers and wonder of their perfectly aligned and symmetrical petals and realize they grow randomly through the greening grass but in their randomness they look like they belong. I’ll look for order from this chaos this year.

    Order from chaos, everything from our planets, our geese, our flowers and down to our smallest molecules need to be aligned. We’ll think of this the next time we obediently and neatly fall in line to get our movie tickets or checking out at the grocery store. When we come together, we form lines. First day of Spring, our ultimate alignment event of them all. We should notice it.

    Today is the change of seasons. Spring! I’m taking a couple days off just to celebrate it this year. It has been an unusual winter, this 2014. I need to take a breath and settle a bit. I am going to be as a child and just notice what’s going on around us. I need to notice the returning flocks of birds, the emerging flowers and unwinding buds. I will fill my two days with music, art and observance of the beauty of things and the wonder. I need this. I will notice.



  • Midnight Swim


    Midnight Swim

    Ever have a fly land in your bowl of cereal?
    The damn thing floats
    Paddles his little feet around
    scrubbing his back
    flippin’ his wings, actin’ a fool
    having a hell of a good time
    No idea that he may sink
    He doesn’t care that he’s drowning
    he is in the land of milk and honey nuts
    The little bastard would be cute if he wasn’t ruining my mid-night knack
    Here! get yourself out of there!
    Hop on this spoon.
    You little widget!



    I Saw a Girl

    I saw a girl
    She sat relaxed in her chair
    with a cup in her hand
    Tanned arms and ankles
    blue jeans
    ripped knee, tanned knee
    short shirt, low waist,
    bare goose-bumped skin
    peach fuss skin
    surely the texture of moonlight
    blue eyes
    ice blue eyes
    A glance
    just a look-away smile
    I saw a girl



  • Ren Man

    Never the list of favored people
    never chosen festival king
    invisible to the magnanimous people
    Never given the cities’ keys
    Thought to be the least outgoing
    not one to shake a stranger’s hand
    all consumed in life’s own toils
    The unknown renaissance man

    Man of books of untapped knowledge
    Grand ideas never sought or asked
    Verses dreamed, rhymed and written
    words never spoken or quietly read
    He paints his image in oil on canvas
    Molds his face in sculptor’s clay
    Hopes some day to be remembered
    And his ashes cast some day.
